Tuesday, January 3, 2012

An Excessive Thanksgiving Vaca

I had spent nearly every Thanksgiving of my life in the Cuse and this one was to be no different. I had grand plans to squeeze in seeing everyone I could, when I was not shoving my face with delish Thanksgiving staples (I would eat cranberry sauce directly out of the can if given the option). I dipped out of work early and headed to the dreaded Port Authority (we meet again) to catch my bus. The line was almost as bad as it had been on my escape from the hurricane over the summer but lucky for me I spotted a family friend's son a ways ahead of me in line, so I casually joined him. Good move because the cutoff for the bus stopped right in front of my original place in line. The bus was jam-packed which made for a delightful 5 hour trip. Luckily the traffic wasn't heavy and I made it back even earlier than I expected. Perfect for my plan to go out for what was once my favorite holiday--the night before Thanksgiving. A huge bar night in Syracuse. It is so crowded that it actually feels like a real city and I always make sure I look real good for the inevitable run ins with terrible people from high school, just so they are are aware that yes, I have done better than them.
Mairey came to pick me up and we headed to the Tusk, where we sat in a corner and caught up, mainly on boy troubles. Her ibanker-equivalent had just broken things off with her and my frustration with the Mason situation was at an all-time high. Perhaps this wasn't the best convo to be having while drinking as my mood took a turn for the worst, as it sometimes does in Syracuse. Mairey had one of her guy friends meet us out and he was accompanied by one of his guy friends. To them this clearly meant we were now on a double-date and they followed us to Al's and even to get pizza afterwards. I did not want to be talking to either of these guys, especially the friend's friend, who was so tall he resembled the giant from the Princess Bride. I was unfriendly to say the least, and may at one point have wandered away mid-convo with the giant. High School had been texting me (not one of the horrible people) and he was downtown as well. To my surprise he came to meet me at Al's and momentarily saved me from the monotony of false dates. Though perhaps he was under the same impression, because at one point he put his arm around me (his girlfriend was clearly not in town). Despite this, I enjoyed hanging out with him and was happy he showed up. He helped improve what may be my worst night before Thanksgiving to date, and will likely be my last.
The next day after sleeping til noon and scrubbing the Uncle Fester-like make up stains from under my eyes, I was surprisingly not that hungover. This was a vast improvement from a few years prior, when I had to puke in the trashcan in my room while blasting the first song on my ipod (ABBA- Dancing Queen) to try and cover up the sounds. My whole family showed up at 2:30pm while I was sitting at the kitchen table in my bathrobe trying to force down dry toast. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. This year consisted of a much more chipper me, happily inhaling all the joys a Thanksgiving meal has to offer, while my family made jokes about my French Canadian Grandmother's pastries, whose name translates to "nun's farts" in English. Afterwards I was too lethargic to do anything for hours, and decided to make this my one night to stay in.
The next night I was scheduled to go out with Hassy so I knew this would be a rough one. We headed to the main bar on Tipp Hill, to get a break from downtown. It was filled with kids from our high school who were roughly 2-4 years younger than us, including High School himself. I had been informed of this ahead of time, of course, and spent the majority of our time there speaking with him. When he introduced me to his roommate, his response was "Oh, I've heard a lot about you!". So based on the past couple incidents I think it is a safe assumption that though I think High School is cool, he is kind of a sleazebag for trying to cheat on his girlfriend with me, and who knows who else. But will this stop me from hanging out with him, out of sheer curiosity of what will develop? Probably not.
Hassy and I decided to head back downtown after awhile, and High School did not accompany us, as originally planned, which was probably for the best. She met some of her friends at a bar which I hate, that reeked of vomit, so I headed across the street to Al's where I had arranged for another past Cuse boy to meet up with me--Summer Boo. We sat at the bar and caught up and somehow the topic came onto dating, which it somehow always does with us. After a few drinks he made this mistake of asking me what ever happened with "the guy who had invited me to the Hamptons" which resulted in an angry tirade spouting out of my mouth. My head may have even spun around. His response--"Whoa. Sorry." Sorry you asked, indeed, Summer Boo. After my meeting with him, I met back up with Hassy and we headed back to her house where I devoured an entire frozen pizza in front of the tv.
I had no set plans for my final night in Cuse and was almost relieved when it looked like nothing would develop. But after a quick text from Summer Boo informing him of this, he changed that plan. He said that he knew some people out and would come pick me up. Though I was tired and didn't really feel like venturing back out, I agreed and the two of us headed back downtown. We went right back to Al's and performed a reenactment of the night before. We sat at the bar chatting and this time I let it spill about Coffee, whom had been texting me about meeting up over Thanksgiving for the past three weeks. I had no desire to see him, as he had become a bit pushy and I realized I was in too deep. Huuuge mistake for drunkenly making out with him on my previous Cuse trip. I had successfully avoided him and deterred his texts up until now but I was worried about seeing him out, since his apartment was right around the corner. I had told him I was going to be out with high school friends and I certainly didn't want him showing up, especially since I was just out with one other guy. Luckily though he must have finally picked up on my elusive texts and I didn't hear from him again until last call, when he invited me up to his apartment for snacks. He remembered the snack trick from last time but I wasn't falling for it this time, especially since he had basically just admitted he just wanted to make out with me again. No way buddy. Instead I accompanied Summer Boo on his drive back to drop his drunk friend off at home. We then grabbed snacks at a calzone place back downtown, where we sat watching the Syracuse trash file in. Chin straps galore. On the walk back to the car there was a massive fight in the parking lot. We were both disgusted at this point and it was then that I decided I would no longer be going out in Syracuse. Enough is enough, I am just too old.

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