Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mini Trip to Cuse

At this point it had been about a month since I had been back home to Cuse. I decided a break from the City would be nice, especially considering the Ibanker fiasco a few weeks earlier. But more importantly I needed help from my Mom with making my Halloween costume. I was going to be the white swan from the movie Black Swan and I was eager to get started on my very elaborate plans for it.
I had scheduled an overnight bus home (it's as bad as it sounds) in order to be present at CB's birthday celebration in Williamsburg. I decided that for the occassion I would wear my one hipster-esque dress that I had purchased at a trendy consignment store. The first stop was Mable's Smokehouse, which turned out to be a delish bbq place. Now I am picky about barbecue since one of the most delicious places on earth is in Syracuse. But this was almost as good. As I chowed down on my pulled pork and mac n cheese, I chatted with the guests. I knew a few of CB's friends and liked them. There were also a few present that I had never met, including a hilarious couple. The girl was animatedly telling a story while waving her chicken bone around while her boyfriend chimed in with details she had forgotten. They were one of those really likeable couples, which I have noticed you rarely come across. After dinner we walked up to Berry Park to go on the rooftop beer garden, with a view of the Manhattan skyline. Except as soon as we walked inside, it began to pour. I was immediately pissed, as I didn't have an umbrella and was wearing new (non-waterproof) shoes to go with my hipster dress (which was a hit). We headed up to the roof anyway to try and squeeze under an umbrella but our effort was in vain. We made our way back downstairs and I decided that since the rain was only getting harder, I should probably call a cab to go back to my apartment. Except all the cab lines were busy. I had to end up calling a private car service and felt like kind of a ballllla when I ran out of the bar into my very own Lincoln Continental. I rushed back to my apartment, grabbed my stuff and headed to the bus station, where it was much less horrifying than it had been during the hurricane evacuation. I plopped on the bus, where I sat in the outside seat and pretended to be asleep. My plan worked, as no one sat next to me and then I proceeded to really fall asleep until the bus rolled into Cuse at 5AM.
Re-enter key player in Cuse weekend--Coffee. He was very enthusiastic to hear that I was coming home. We had had a good time the couple times he had been in NYC over the past couple months so I agreed to grab a meal with him. Now Coffee is relatively cool--he's easy to talk to and likes to go out. However, he can be a bit abrasive and is super short. Probably shorter than me, though I've blocked that from my mind. So I knew I wasn't interested. I should've known better than to be so charitable. Dinner at my favorite Polish restaurant where I know the owners, went fine, except for the fact that he actually accepted when I offered him a $20 to pay for my part of the meal. Annoying but even after that, our time out downtown went smoothly. Luckily he was paying for my drinks and we had some decent convos. I was a little discouraged though since no one was really around to meet up with me. Eventually I did run into Judgers, who was out with her group of girls. I am a bit on the fence about them, but they were good this time. One is married so decided she had no qualms about casually wearing a set of fake vampire teeth around the bar (note that this is the same girl who in high school would fake fall down the escalator at the mall). This was cracking me up, though I don't think Coffee saw the humor. I wondered what the girls were thinking and stressed to Judgers that nothing was going on with us. At least it wasn't, until he lured me up to his apartment (down the street from the bars) with the promise of food. I swear, I will jump into the flaming pits of hell if someone tells me there is cheeseburger at the bottom. This of course led to a makeout session, as my reasoning wasn't exactly clear. He then pulled the too many drinks to drive me home card, and fed up, I gave up, and passed out in his bed, where lucky for me (and him) he didn't try anything. Though basically nothing happened with us, I still was not sure how I felt about the whole thing in the morning when I trucked back into my parent's house at 9AM like a tramp. My mother held off on the questions all day, so I thought I was in the clear. When she finally asked, I made up a discombobulated story about staying at Judger's friend's apartment. Oh sure.

As if this wasn't enough to deter me I actually agreed to him meeting me out a couple of nights later. I had found out at the restaurant that Polish Princess was also in town. She was back from LA for good. Her boyfriend had turned out to be an absolute crazy person and her experience of being trapped with him there sounded sickeningly similar to mine in Switzerland. She had made her escape though and not surprisingly was handling it much better than I had. We were meeting up for martinis at World where she spilled all the gory details. Not long into it, Coffee showed up. He was talking loudly and being awkward. I immediately regretted inviting him and I could tell Polish Princess was annoyed, though she never admitted it. The three of us sat and I tried to think off topics we could all discuss, which pretty much ended with New York City. We were pretty much the only people in the bar besides a group of drunk guys, one of which had spoken to us earlier. Now they were really drunk and he was back, with his trashy friend with him. They started talking to PP and I and demanded we all do a shot. None of us wanted a shot, and when Coffee made a snide comment to them I was momentarily terrified one of them would punch him. Luckily they were drunk enough to immediately forget it and left after PP finally agreed to take a shot with them. After that we decided to head to my fav spot, Al's, where we closed out the bar. Coffee had started to get a little handsy at this point but I was luckily able to dodge his off-handed comment about going back with him since I had to drive PP home.
Since this trip I have received roughly 4-5 texts a week from him. I respond, because I think he is alright and I do feel badly, but I am of course not really interested. This may make me sort of a bitch, but it is nice to be on the other side of it, at least for a minute.

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