Monday, November 14, 2011

Deadmau5 Weekend Part 2

After our epic Deadmau5 night out, Same Name Friend, Mason and I weren't able to function until early the next afternoon. We sat around and recapped the night and then finally Same Name Friend and I headed out. We were meeting AD, Charlie Kelly and Bawseton. As we stumbled out into the mid-afternoon sun, we were very aware that we stood out in our bright neon clothing, even in New York City. We sheepishly made our way to the subway and to the restaurant where they were having brunch.They apparently were unaware that this particular place had a drag queen brunch on Sunday mornings. With some of the best people watching in New York, we sat around and did some more recapping. Apparently after they left Yaffa and Charlie Kelly and AD went to bed, Bawseton couldn't sleep. This is clearly because he had taken 3 mawli pills throughout the course of the night. He then decided to walk 40 blocks up to Central Park and then back again before finally stumbling back into the apartment and passing out (like a bawse). The girls and I were starving (the boys had finished eating by the time we arrived) so we headed up to the Chiptole in Union Square. This happens to be directly across the street from Ibanker's old apartment and I felt slightly creepy basically sitting right outside. I had a full view of the floor to ceiling window in his room, a place where I had spent many nights. Luckily I had a delicious burrito bowl and good company to distract me. The boys had said they'd catch up to us, but they were taking much too long. The reason being, we later found out, was they had been distracted following a guy who was carrying a huge boombox blasting Nas down the street. We decided to head back to Brooklyn so that Same Name Friend and I could finally change out of our neon.
We had another night out ahead of us, but Same Name Friend wouldn't be joining. She was going to be meeting up with her mystery cop in Murray Hill. So AD and I trucked back in and met the boys at Flatiron Lounge. The entrance is a large tunnel with wooden floors. AD and I were both wearing heels and when we clomped in, it sounded like a caravan of horses had arrived at the bar. We sat and ordered fancy drinks and I tried to ignore the fact that this seemed like a double-date. Luckily Bawseton was very interesting and socialable and we were able to chat fairly comfortably. Charlie Kelly had befriended the bartender who gave us a free shot of fancy whiskey as a departing gift. The boys were set on going to Sidebar, which is where they had spent the evening once we bailed for Brooklyn. They had basically been drinking for 36 hours straight at this point, so it was probably a good thing that Sidebar was closed. So where did this lead us--Webster Hall, once again. The cover was a bit more reasonable this time, but I would've paid the money to not go. It was in the basement with horrible, amateur dubstep blasting and a bunch of gross people dancing on a stage. There was a guy screaming into a microphone, yelling things about buttholes. This is not a lie. There was also someone waving around a big black dildo, which I was convinced was a rubber snake, until AD informed me otherwise. The only good thing about this place was the cheap beer, so I drank a bunch to be able to deal. I also felt terrible for inviting Yahtzee--he had sent me a text earlier in the day asking what I was doing and I made the mistake of inviting him to that hellhole. When he showed up, I was a few beers deep. I blame this on the fact that I spilled basically everything about the Ibanker fiasco to him. He played it safe and said pretty generic stuff. I was a little annoyed that he didn't give me anything to work with, but he probably knew less about Ibanker's ways than I did, to be honest. Lucky for me, he didn't judge and accompanied us to the next bar--Solas. A repeat of the night before. We once again closed out the bar, and this is where Yahtzee left us, probably annoyed that the boys were so drunk. They somehow convinced me to go back to Charlie Kelly's apartment with them. In the cab on the way over, Charlie Kelly decided to inform the cab driver that he should turn the wrong way down a one-way street because "it is fine at this time of night". The cab driver retorted back that "it was illegal no matter what the time", with the three of us cracking up in the backseat.
I hung around with them til 5AM, which was when my subway line was scheduled to start running again. Here's where things escalated. Now Bawseton had been sharing Charlie Kelly's studio apartment with both him and AD for the weekend. Needless to say, this must have been kind of an awkward situation. So as I went to make my exit, Bawseton quickly asked me if he could stay on my couch in Brooklyn. Surprised, I agreed and before I knew what was happening we were walking down the street towards the subway. And apparently as we made our exit Charlie Kelly told AD that it was "so bawse, such a bawse move" on the part of Bawseton. Once back in the Shwick, we both ended up sleeping in my bed, but Bawseton was surprisingly gentlemanly and did not make a move. Though I did sleep in the same bed with two different guys two nights in a row, I convinced myself that I was ok since nothing even remotely sexual happened with either of them. In the morning (ok afternoon) Bawseton and I went through pics on his phone of Charlie Kelly's stepdad's boat which they apparently sail back and forth between Nantucket and Monte Carlo (and is obviously, pretty fucking bawse). He also told me a story about when he punctured his lung skiing in Colorado. Not long after storytime, he headed back to Flatiron and I waited for Same Name Friend to return from her night out so I could escort her back to the bus. She was pretty late because she had had to yell at the cab driver who tried to take her to Chinatown instead of Brooklyn. Completely different buroughs, buddy.
I accompanied the girls on the walk to the bus and then met up again with Bawseton. He was supposed to leave that afternoon as well but all the buses back to Boston were sold out. Looks like he was stranded in New York and stuck hanging out with me, since Charlie Kelly had to work. He had a bus booked for later that evening but he decided to not show as our afternoon bar tour went into the evening. I eventually had to go meet JM by NYU for her bday dinner. I was planning on meeting back up with Bawseton later at (of course) Sidebar, but he got back to me too late and that was the end of our hour 18 romance. He did send me a couple texts later that week saying:
1) "You are always welcome to come to Boston....because guess what? It is BAWSE"
And the second, for his second show of the week:
2) "Guess who is on their way to Deadmau5 right a BAWSE"
Hopefully he only took one pill that time.

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