Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cute Shit

The romance with Mason was continuing. I was pleased--I wasn't thinking as much about Ibanker and we had a good story together as well. I had fun with him and he actually went out and did things with me, rather than the dinner, bar, bedroom scenario I was used to with you know who. He even made me soup when I was sick, the week after "Blast from the Past" weekend. I looked like absolute shit, but decided I could blame it on being sick, even though I really just had a mild cold. I decided to play it up anyway, but I think my cover was blown when I inhaled pretty much all of the soup. After we decided to walk to the store to see if we could find a pumpkin. After Deadmau5 weekend we had decided we were going to carve a pumpkin to look like Deadmau5 and I was pretty pumped for it. We selected a fairly large, very shiny pumpkin and started to walk back to his apartment. But it started to pour and we were getting soaked. He mentioned that one of his favorite bars, Valhalla, was right around the corner and we could pop in for a drink. I hesitated, since I was wearing glasses and no make up, leggings, rainboots and a giant man's shirt that he had loaned me. But I ultimately agreed so we trucked into the bar, soaking wet and carrying a huge pumpkin. We set it down at the table and christened him Joel Zimmerman (Deadmau5's real name, for those of you behind the times). We stayed out too late to carve him that night.
Our next outing was a day trip. Mason had talked about wanting to get out of the city to enjoy a seasonal fall day (mother fucker) so we decided that Dia Beacon would be the easiest trip. It was a large art museum about an hour and a half upstate (what what) and was easy to get there by train. I met him late Friday night at his friends' apartment in Flatiron and then headed back with him to his apartment so we could go to bed early. In the morning we walked over to the Times Square shuttle and I picked up the pace significantly when we walked directly in front of Ibanker's office. I knew he was probably in there and I didn't want a run in. The train ride was relatively peaceful and I took in the scenery in between napping. When we arrived the museum was just a short walk away. We followed a group of people in and I pointed out a stupid hipster wearing a spiderman backpack that a first grader would wear. He was holding a girl's hand and I also commented on what she must be thinking to date him. And just my luck, a couple minutes later she came up to me--I immediately recognized her as an intern from my museum. There was no way she could have heard me, but I was still morified and Mason was having a hard time trying not to laugh. When we were finally out of that awkward situation we walked around the museum. The space was really cool but unfortunately it was very Minimalist, which I know is not everyone's jam, including Mason's. I think the highlight of his trip was laughing over the name "Blinky Palermo".
After the museum we decided to walk through the town in search of food. I think we were both expecting a cool, artsy type town with a lot to do and see. Wrong. The big event of the day was a car show, so the streets were packed with gross loud cars and salt of the earth type people. It was pretty jarring considering where we had just come from and it seemed like there was no escape. Finally we found a Greek diner and went inside to feed our faces. Mason had wanted to go for a little hike and told me to bring appropriate shoes. But since I am so outdoorsy my idea of hiking footwear was a flimsy pair of sneakers, closely resembly Toms. Luckily by this time most of the afternoon had passed and we weren't able to go for that hike. Too bad. On the walk back to the train station we sat by the river for a minute and I was aware that this was a pretty "magic moment" as my friend Lulu would say.
The ride back to the City was much rowdier than before and our car was packed with a loud group of German tourists, a crying baby and someone who kept farting. We distracted ourselves with youtube videos on his ipad. The City was just as chaotic upon our arrival but I think we were both relieved to be back. After a quick nap at his apartment and a game of beer pong with the friends from the night before, I headed out. It was Saturday night and I was meeting GF at a bar in Soho for Polish Princess' bday celebration. She was back in NYC from Syracuse and was going to be heading to South America for a tour very soon. The bar was packed with hipsters and GF and I sat chatting each wearing an animal mask that were the party favors. We grew bored quickly and decided to meet up with his new friend. They were at a bar in the West Village, and I was nervous to discover it was on Ibanker's street, though a few blocks down. I obviously did not see him and I knew that I wouldn't but I was pissed off that he was still creeping around in the back of my mind. GF's friends were hilarious and I was disappointed when they split up and GF decided to head home. To my surprise, I had a text from Mason asking if I was still out. I decided to splurge on a cab and headed back to Soho--he was at a bar not far from the party. I went in, drunkenly looked around, couldn't find him and texted him to tell him I was leaving. I then headed out to meet back up with PP. On the way he called me and apologized for not seeing me. I said maybe we would meet up later and I walked with PP over to her friend's apartment--the Soho Penthouse apartment where we had gone to the beautiful people party over the summer (the Lace night). The apartment was still as ridiculous as ever and I texted Mason to meet me. When he arrived he headed out to the wraparound balcony. There was some construction taking place and the view was not very good, so we climbed up the ladder (very precarious in my platform booties) to the scaffolding where we sat for almost an hour drinking, chatting and taking in the view of the Financial District. It looked very suspicious when we came back inside and I played it up by telling PP we had just had sex (not true at all). We left, grabbed some empanadas and headed back to Mason's.
And shit got even cuter when a couple days later, Mason came all the way out to the Shwick so we could carve Joel Zimmerman. He looked hilarious walking down my street in a suit, wearing a backpack and carrying a massive orange pumpkin. We drank some hot toddies and transformed Joel into Deadmau5. After setting him on the fire escape, we headed to the hipster bar down the street. On the way I lured over a giant stray cat so I could pet it. It was tentatively trusting and let me until my purse swung around and hit it in the face. Once I had recovered from laughing we drank some beer and recounted our days at Mason. It was a delightful time, and had been a delightful few weeks. Things seemed almost too good to be true....
                                                                 Before: Joel Zimmerman
                                        After: Deadmau5...or Donkey Kong...whateves we tried

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are fantastic. Getting up to the bloggess level here.
