Monday, November 14, 2011

Deadmau5 Weekend Part 1

My trip to Cuse the weekend before had given me a time to relax before the shitstorm of Columbus Day weekend (remember the rule about 3 day weekends). This storm was carrying two out of town guests--AD and Same Name Friend. Deadmau5 was playing in the city that weekend and they had somehow convinced me to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a ticket to see him, even though we had for free roughly a month before. I was a bit suspicious that this plan had come about due to Charlie Kelly--he lives in NYC as well and he and AD had been talking quite a bit since their rendezvous at Freefest. We actually headed straight to his place in Flatiron once I retrieved the girls from the bus. The four of us hung out for a bit until we headed to some dive bar near Union Square. Of course because we were in the neighborhood, we passed by many of the places Ibanker had gone to together--stops on what I like to call my Date Tour of New York. Once at the bar AD and Charlie Kelly fell deep into conversation, so Same Name Friend and I sat bitching about guys. We were both lamenting the fact that it is basically impossible to seperate your emotions from your reasoning. For example, I knew that Ibanker was not right for me and that we would have never worked. But it was still proving difficult to get over it, since I liked him. On a more positive note, Same Name Friend was slightly excited about a DC cop had met online, who coincidentally happened to be in New York that weekend as well. She was toying with the idea of meeting up with him.We also bonded when two of Charlie Kelly's friends came running into the bar to purchase some "favors" from him. They were exceptionally tooly and Same Name Friend and I both exclaimed "oh good lord" at the same moment. Not long after this we decided to head back to Brooklyn, which started my weekend pattern of screaming at cab drivers. They claimed they knew where to take us and then as soon as the crossed the bridge they had no idea and started to demand directions from me. I have no effing idea, as I don't drive in New York, hence why I was taking a cab. At one point the driver was so upset that he pulled over, in a very shady neighborhood not far from mine, and demanded we get out. I told him absolutely not and he better turn off the meter until he figured out where he was going. We eventually made it back in one piece---a fabulous introduction to "East Williamsburg" for Same Name Friend.
And she was really able to see the hood in all its glory the next morning when we headed down the block to the natural grocery store to get some breakfast sandwiches. The weather was exceptionally nice out so we sat outside and hipster-watched. After, we got ourselves together and geared ourselves up for the trek into the city to meet AD and Charlie Kelly. My subway line was obnoxiously not running again that weekend so we were forced to take a bus to another line that was working. The bumpy ride made my hangover even worse and it was a relief when we emerged into fresh air in Meatpacking roughly an hour later. We wanted to take advantage of the nice weather before meeting them at the Standard Beer Garden, and I wanted to put off drinking as long as possible, so we took our time walking the Highline (a former railroad line that has been turned into an outdoor space and walkway along the Hudson--one of my fav places in New York). We frolicked in the fountains until finally reaching the end and heading to the Standard Bier Garden. Once we made it through the line we headed into the crowd and found the two of them, plus Charlie Kelly's friend who was in town from Boston and also staying with him for the weekend. He was short, cute and hilarious, especially when interacting with Charlie Kelly. Their chosen word of the weekend was "boss", but pronounced "bawse". Everything was either bawse, like a bawse, or pretty fucking bawse. That being said, we will name the friend Bawseton. We sat with our beer steins chatting, and the girls and I devoured a giant pretzel that was offered to us by a stranger. Some more of Charlie Kelly's friends joined us, another likeable couple, and we rewalked the Higline into Chelsea to grab some dinner. Deadmau5 time was quickly approaching and we needed to have our games faces on. On the walk back to Flatiron, we passed by either Kevin Bacon or Ethan Hawke eating dinner outside with his family. Once at Charlie Kelly's the likeable couple left us and the rest of us donned our neon and glowsticks in preparation. I was especially excited about a giant neon star wand I was bringing. We then headed up to Midtown West, for a pregame at Mason's apartment.....
Backstory: Mason and I had finally gotten together the previous Thursday night. We had our date in the MoMA sculpture garden, where we had sat chatting with our drinks. We then headed to another outdoor bar in the neighborhood where I insisted he order a terrible German beer they had on tap, which I hadn't seen since my time in Germany. We had hit it off surprisingly well, especially considering we hadn't really had a conversation since our English class 6 years prior. When I told him about Deadmau5 that weekend, he seemed excited, especially since the venue was literally right next door to his apartment. He asked if he could join us and invited us all over to his place before....
Once there we played some beer pong and took some shots, among other things, before heading over. The girls and I had had Charlie Kelly buy our tickets for us off of Craigslist. He had mentioned that when he purchased them the situation seemed a little shady. And shady it was--I was the last to get through security (they took my wand away!) and when I finally met up with the rest of them, Same Name Friend was yelling that our tickets were fake. I was horrified. We all regrouped and decided that our only option was to try the tickets from the scalper outside, no matter how shady. I only had a bit of cash with me so Mason ended up covering the cost of most of my ticket and I felt so bad. I'm sure he regretted his decision to join us. Luckily, these were real and it ended up being the best Deadmau5 show I have seen. The lights were amazing, although they probably contributed to my paranoia (that and the mix of assorted substances in my system). We all had a good time and danced our faces off. Same Name Friend was dancing with one of Charlie Kelly's other friends, dance being the close enough word. He was wasted and wearing a viking hat. He kept swaying back and forth violently and dragging her along with him. I don't know how she didn't get sick. She informed us afterwards that one point he started squeezing her boobs to the beat and that is when she had had enough.
After the show, when we were able to get ourselves together and regroup, we decided on our next move. Charlie Kelly was very adamant about Webster Hall so we took cabs there. Except upon our arrival, the cover was $40. Charlie Kelly didn't mind this, so he, AD and Bawseton headed on in. The rest of us are on a budget so Same Name Friend, Mason and I headed over to Solas, a bar nearby. The three of us sat at the bar and probably all felt sufficiently awkward. Same Name Friend began to chat with the bartender at the same time I realized I was still decked out in multiple glowstick bracelets. We stayed until well past last call and within that time Same Name Friend had somehow coordinated with her mystery cop who was in town. Mason decided we should all head to Yaffa Cafe and that he could meet us there. Yaffa is an all-night diner with the most insane decor. And I had actually been there before way back in January, on the awkward double-date with Hipster and his friend whom I had hooked up with in high school. So we all gathered there at roughly 6AM. The three of us trucked over from Solas and immediately ordered breakfast food. Then Mystery Cop and his friend (a cop in the Bronx, need I say more) joined us. Luckily it wasn't too awkward since he and Same Name Friend hit it off immediately. Then eventually AD, Charlie Kelly and Bawseton wandered in, all three looking like death. Our randomly pieced together table and another of trannys who had just gotten off work (one was in a sparkly hoodie) were the only tables in the restaurant. Despite this it seemed like we were there forever. The groups slowly trickled out and headed back to our respective places. Because it was so late/early, I hesitantly accepted Mason's invite for the two of us to stay at his place. Same Name Friend had his roommate's room all to herself, but she later told me that she couldn't sleep at all because she was too afraid he would come home to find a random black girl in his bed. My initial qualms about staying over proved to be in vain, as Mason respectfully did not try to make a move. So after one of my longest nights ever in New York, we finally fell asleep, well after it was light out.

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