Monday, November 21, 2011

Blast from the Past

After the Deadmau5 weekend, things with Mason and I began to pick up. Nothing like fake tickets and drugs to solidify a relationship. We had another date that week and had our first kiss outside of the 3rd ave subway stop. A couple nights later I met up with him and some of his friends at the Empire Hotel rooftop (where I had gone for the 4th of July), with GF. This was not part of our plan for the night, but things had taken an unexpected turn. GF and I had gone to see my fav Danish dj, Trentemoller, early in the night at Webster Hall. He wasn't quite as good as he had been when I saw him at Ultra and in Germany but it was still a good show to be at, especially since the people-watching was an interesting mix of Europeans and hipsters. After GF and I had finished chuckling at the giant Nordic viking queen standing in front of us, we decided that we could probably stay for the second show of that night. We were already in, so why should we have to pay again, as long as we didn't leave.We headed to the bar in between sets and no one kicked us out. We began chatting with the bartender and when it got to be close to the starting time of the next dj, GF decided he was going to run out and have a cigarette. I knew this was a bad idea, but he promised he would be sneaky and before I could stop him he turned to leave. Well, what a surprise, the bouncers refused to let GF back in and sent him to the back of the very long line. I was annoyed but kept chatting with the bartender. Two free vodka crans, one free shot and one phone number later, I finally emerged when it was established that GF was definitely not getting back in. In my state, I had even considered staying alone but luckily a text from Mason convinced me otherwise. And this is how we ended up at the Empire. Upon our entrance I very enthusiastically began to make out with Mason in front of most of his friends. And I was not the only one in that mindset--a bit later Mason and I discovered GF in a corner making out with...a girl. Things were getting weird and it was time to leave. Mason and I grabbed some late night pizza and headed back to his place. In the morning, he made me a glorious breakfast of bacon, eggs and fried potatoes. He said he had the day free so we lounged around and finally decided to take a walk in Central Park. I was a bit embarrassed since I was still sporting the fish nets I had worn the night before and I definitely didn't look like I should be taking a leisurely afternoon walk amongst  families. At one point we sat on a bench and I read aloud a very seasonal article entitled "It's Decorative Gourd Season, Motherfuckers" (see it here: Very romantic.
We eventually made our way to Shake Shack (the second time in one week for us) and fed our faces. I then put our day date to an end as I had to get home and get ready (aka change out of my fishnets) for my night out. I was meeting Penelope and Salma at their cousin's birthday party at a bar in Hell's Kitchen. She was a true Long Island Princess and had invited 100 of her Long Island friends. I couldn't wait to scope out the people watching, as that lifestyle is completely foreign to me. When the cousin arrived, she screamed and danced over to us, her large boobs all over the place. It was just as good as I could have imagined. She then had her very skinny, very tan friend join us so they could recount, in their thick accents, their train ride into in Penn Station for us. Apparently the cousin was very drunk and had yelled to the friend "I like your pink vagina!". The cousin burst out laughing and informed us "I meant to say undawear, I like your pink undawear!!". I was dying and wanted to hear more but she bounced quickly away to attend to her other guests. That left the three of us, Salma's boyfriend, and their mutual friend to take in the whole scene from our table. This grew increasingly amusing as we consumed more of the very strong drinks. It was an open bar and I was too poor to pay for it, but everyone was able to sneak me drinks without a problem, so drink away we did. Salma had at the beginning of the night said she had invited one of the curators from our museum to join the party and she was surprised, and a bit worried, when he actually agreed. Awhile later, completely forgetting this detail, I noticed a skinny, nerdy looking man amongst the Long Island party-goers. And like an idiot, I yelled to Salma, "Hey, did that fucking guy get lost!". She looked at me wide-eyed, and then waved him over. I realized what I had done and began to uncontrollably laugh but luckily regained my composure before he made it over to us.
The night continued in much the same way (good laughs, strong drinks= a recipe for success). I then decided to part ways and clomped back over to Mason's apartment in my platform booties. It was looking like I had a new chapter on my hands....

1 comment:

  1. BLAMMO!!! Guess what season it is... Fucking fall.

    I wish I could have been there for the reciting of the most glorious fall story ever.
