Monday, June 6, 2011

The Week Before the Storm

The storm being my upcoming week before my trip to DC for Memorial Day weekend. But first some mid-week amusement. One of the girls I interned with now had a job at the museum also. We had had similar roommate issues and had bonded over it. She seemed nice, though very young and with really severe eye makeup, which I secretly wondered how she thought it could look good. After running into each other outside the subway one day we had also exchanged some date stories and decided to go for a drink after work one day. We walked towards Soho and could not decide on a place. I had said that I wanted a place with outdoor seating but of course every place seemed to be full. We wandered for awhile until I finally chose a nice-looking place on a corner. We took a seat outside and then realized why we were able to do so--a glass of wine cost $15. We cringed and since our waitress had not come over yet I asked if we should leave. We debated then finally made our move for it. I was just going to walk quickly yet discreetly away but she took out in an almost full out run right across the street, in full view of the restuarant. I looked on in horror then realized I had left my sweater hanging on the back of the chair. I bee-lined back, grabbed it, then walked as quickly as I could after her. We rounded the corner out of breath and giggling. We kept walking and finally settled on a Carribean-esque place with tables in front of a large open window. It was expensive as well but I liked the atmosphere, despite the obnoxious British couple making out at the bar right in front of me. We chatted over drinks though it was a little awkward at times. She's not much of a partier and I, well am. I always feel a little guilty or embarrassed when I am in these types of situations--obviously going out isn't the only thing I do but it is a good way to relate to people, unless of course they don't. It also makes me feel like I should revaluate my priorities but I should probably get this all out of my system first. Luckily we had the arts in common, though I hadn't been as involved in them as I should have, which also made me feel a bit guilty. It was still a fairly enjoyable time out though and was way better than being in my apartment which was basically a brick oven now that the weather had gotten warmer. And lucky me, my subway car on the way home was officially the smelliest one I have been in. At one point I really thought I was going to puke. Luckily I did not.

The next night I was hanging out with OG and Javier. I was leaving for DC the next day and they would be gone by the time I got back. I met them by the clock tower in Grand Central. When they walked up I cracked up--both were wearing pink; Javier in a pink button up and OG with a pink sweater across his shoulders. They didn't see the humor but still accompanied me to Chipotle so I could house some dinner. We then headed over to Meatpacking. I figured the Standard beer garden would be a good place to take them and they hadn't seen the neighborhood yet. I had never been to meatpacking on a weekday and I don't know if I can brave it again. I don't know if it was the nice weather, but every place was packed and the line for the Standard was around the block. We weren't about to wait and when we couldn't find another place Javier took off by himself to take some pictures. OG and I wandered and eventually came full circle and ended up back at the Highline. This is a raised park that goes along an old railroad line. The last time I had been was in the winter but now it was totally different--greenery everywhere. And also couples. As OG and I strolled we tried to act very hard like we were not on a date like everyone else. We chatted about our time in Germany--our favorite nights out, how he had gotten together with the Swiss girl, and our friend, an American guy who was OG's roommate and the red member of Team USA (the other members being me and Baby J). It was nice after the previous annoyance of lines and waiting to get into places; now we could sit back and enjoy New York again.
Javier joined us and we wandered uptown, eventually into Chelsea. I loved the fact that we were in Chelsea with the two of them wearing pink but they were not so pleased. They wanted to find a place to eat. OG suggested one restaurant. We looked in and saw it was filled with male couples. We kept walking, no one saying anything then all bursting out laughing. We eventually settled on an Italian place, with an outdoor patio. They ate their meal, we chatted more, and I accepted their invitation to visit Mexico City. Done. We took the train up to Times Square and said our goodbyes. Walking away from OG reminded me of the goodbyes in Hamburg. It was extremely sad and I had the same feeling in my chest I would get when parting with people there. It's tough when you are able to be close with someone and then do not know if and when you will ever see them again. In this case I know it is only a matter of when but for some of the others, I know that was it. I have to learn to appreciate these connections for what they were and are and stay confident that the people I really want to see again I will.
I at least had an upcoming epic weekend in Washington to distract me.

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