Thursday, June 2, 2011

Foreigners in Town!

I was having them come back into my life and I was pretty pleased about it. The first round was my French friend who lived with my friend Cardi in Syracuse. She (let's call her Michelle) had stayed for a year rather than a semester like Cardi and was just about to leave to go back to France. Her boyfriend had come over for a visit and they wanted to do some traveling. He had never been to NYC or the US at all so it seemed like an obvious choice.
I had fun with them when they arrived. They were only staying for three days and I would meet them after work in the evenings and work around, get dinner, etc. I liked showing them the city and now I have an official invitation to come to France. I was excited about this already and then they informed me that they have a friend who owns a boat in St. Tropez. I almost went through the roof--this could be the start to my new dreamjob as an International Party Girl! This trip needs to happen and is in the back of my head....

Anyway their last night in town I was going to meet them later. I had plans to meet my other foreign friends in town--my good friend from Mexico City (OG) whom I had studied in Hamburg with. He was one of the first people I met there and we hung out the whole five months, usually with that fucking Frenchy as well because they were good friends. We had had an awesome time though and I hadn't seem him since last summer. When we met it was literally like we picked up right where we left off. OG was with his friend Javier and they were traveling around the US, making a documentary No, not making a porno but filming interviews with specialists and randos from the street about porn and how it affects them socially, their views on sex, etc. Here is the trailer:
The three of us wandered around the East Village, Javier snapping pictures with his fancy camera, and we finally decided to get some food. The Ukranian place had a nice patio and we sat. There I was, eating pierogies at a Ukranian restaurant in New York City with two Mexicans. Priceless. Afterwards I had to run back to the subway to meet Michelle and her boyfriend. She had been a music major and one of her professors had invited all of us to see a concert at the Scandinavia House (for free, cha-ching). We were by far the youngest people there, not that there were many of us to begin with. The concert was classical music and it was interesting. That is until I heard someone's cell phone ringing close by. I looked around annoyed until I realized--it was mine. I was the asshole whose cell phone was going off!! I was horrified and the woman behind started clucking at me. I shut it off and was unable to concentrate for the rest of the show. I had put the stupid thing on vibrate, how did the alarm still go off?? And to make it worse after the show I realized that the cellist who was playing at the time was the professor's WIFE, uuughh. Despite this he still invited the three of us to get a drink with him, his wife and the other musicians at the hotel bar next door. One of the guys was Swedish, which I was mildly excited about until we realized that he was a weirdo and kind of a dick. I didn't stay long as it was already late and I had to wake up early so I trucked it back on the subway by myself and Michelle and her boyfriend came home later.
They left the next morning and that night OG and Javier were too tired to come out. Luckily GF called me up. One of the French interns at work had invited me to her friend's happy hour earlier that day so we decided to head to that. It was on the Upper East Side and was my first time at a bar there. It was fairly horrifying. Packed to the brim with bros. But drinks were half off and of course GF hit it off with the two French girls. They had a French guy there with them and I get the feeling they were trying to set us up. Unfortunately Fabian (which is what I thought his name was even though it turned out to not be), was 22 and didn't say much. He did at least buy me a drink at the next place we went. A club called Slate which was not my seen at all, though the doorman did call me adorable, which is probably the only reason I went in. Pretty soon it was just GF, Fabian and me as the French intern had gotten as wasted as I have ever seen a continental European girl and had to be escorted home. This is when GF led us on an expedition to Chelsea--he had his eye on Fabian and wanted to see if he was gay. Once we entered the gay bar GF determined that he definitely wasn't and he was all mine. I made a half-hearted attempt but I actually enjoyed chatting with two random queens more about the differences between American and European H&M's. I then made the drunken decision to take a cab back to Astoria from Chelsea which I neeeever do (a sketchy subway ride is def worth saving $30 in my eyes). I also decided that the next day I was going to sleep all day and I didn't get out of bed til 4pm.
When I did I was for some reason craving french fries (to go along with the French theme of the weekend) so went to McDonald's (ew). While there I received a text from GF saying he was going to dinner with the two French girls tonight--I guess they really had hit it off. I agreed to join and also invited OG and Javier. Because they are Mexican and I am me we arrived to dinner on the Lower East Side about an hour late. OG charmed the table with his stories from the documentary while GF and I acted like children--he had decided that the French girls' friend who was with us looked just like Anne Frank and we were trying to out-do each other with very non-PC jokes. We also just about died later that night when we searching for a bar and we could hear sirens close by.
As punishment for this we ended up choosing the worst bar I have ever been to. Seriously. It was filled with ghetto people, including ghetto Koreans (?) and I paid $12 for one beer. After someone almost knocked me over bumping into me I decided we needed to leave stat. I hurried everyone along and we wandered, not sure where to go. GF and Anne left us and the rest of us eventually just wandered into a random bar. OG promptly ordered a round of tequila shots, which turned out to be literal glasses of tequila. It took me 3 swigs to get it down. We all sat at the bar chatting --French intern told us about living in Buenos Aires and I spilled the Frenchy story to her, with the help of OG. This bar was filled with a strange mix of bros and hipsters and at one point one of them grabbed my side as he walked by without saying anything. Probably not the best way to pick someone up.
After this place the girls left us and the boys were pretty well sauced. We headed back to the Back Room which was where we had originally gone after dinner. It was speakeasy I had heard about and wanted to try. When I told the boys what speakeasys (or acording to them, easy speaks or speakin-easy) they were excited to try one. Unfortunately the douche at the door told us no one under 25 was allowed. Wtf. OG bargained with him and he agreed to let us all in for $40. OG wanted to see what it was like before forking over the money so bouncer agreed to let him in for a second. Apparently he went in, grabbed a drink and followed two guys to the super back room. When the bouncer there tried to stop him he told him he was with the guys. There was a private party in the back room and OG was able to blend in for about 5 minutes before someone noticed he was not with the party. After emering from the bar about 15 minutes later, OG informed the bouncer we would not be going in. Except when the three of us went back at 3am we were let in without a problem. We sipped our drinks from our teacups and afterwards Javier walked in on two girls snorting coke in the men's room. We also had an addition to our group--Dennis Reynolds, from Ultra. I had texted him as a last resort when we couldn't find a good bar to go to and he was just joining us, as he lives nearby. He stayed with us though I'm sure he was sketched out walking into this situation--the boys were wasted and rambling about their porn documentary. I loved it. He also accompanied us to the dirtiest McDonalds I have ever been in (yes I went twice in one day, sick). After I took a cab back to Times Square with the Mexicans to catch the subway. En route I received a text from Dennis Reynolds saying I should have just stayed at his place. A little late buddy. I debated it then decided it was just best to go home. I bid the boys goodbye and headed to the N, only to discover that I had lost my weekly subway card (just purchased two days earlier). Dammit. At least the rest of the night was good.

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