Friday, June 10, 2011

Long Weekend in Washington Part 2

The next day I spent with AD at her rooftop pool. I wasn't nearly as hungover as the day before so it was much more pleasant. We also had a guest join us for a bit--the Cute kid from the night before. We had been very insistent that we come to his friend's bbq, which I would have been all about except I had plans--a beer garden in Northeast which opened after I moved away. I met up with ED (who came to visit me in Hamburg as well) and her roommate JS. We had all worked together at the same law firm when I lived in DC and just before I moved away the three of us took a trip to Argentina together. It was good to be reunited with them--we chatted and caught up on the long metro ride to Northeast. When we finally made it my other friend from the same law firm was waiting for us--the Blumster. I hadn't seen him in almost 2 years and it was a glorious reunion as well. Unfortunately the beer garden was absolutely packed and we had an hour and a half wait. To pass the time we went to another bar down the street. This one had a nice patio and we sat on it, reminiscing about the days at the Firm and how terrible it was.

After we had all gotten appropriately buzzed we decided to house some food. Now Blumster is one of the biggest snobs I know, which I love and he also tends to make very non-pc comments which is also funny. But this was the crowning moment in the history of inappropriate comments. As the waitress was coming over with our food, Blumster did not notice and decided to make a racsist comment. We all cringed--as soon as the statement escaped his mouth she had happened to be standing right behind him. She also happened to be Black and had clearly heard him. We decided to eat quickly and head over to the Beer Garden to see if we could get a table early. On the way there Blumster's "friend" met us--he was a very flamboyant gay man from Kentucky. He also happened to be at Smith Point the night before as well and informed me that his friend was the one who had puked all over the bathroom (which I had the bad luck to walk into soon after it had occurred). We were somehow able to get a table in a prime spot and sooner than I knew it, we were drinking beers as big as our faces. Oh yes--Germany. I of course took that opportunity to show everyone present the infamous German underwear video. We stayed for awhile, but not as long as I would've liked. I had to get back to AD's so that we could get ready for the dj we were seeing that night. Luckily Blumster and his friend had to leave as well--they made the executive decision to have us take a gypsy cab, which is an unlicensed cab. Basically a random guy in his minivan driving around and asking people if they want rides. I wasn't nervous about this until the two boys got out of the "cab" much sooner than myself. I was somewhat drunk, in a random van with a strange man. Perfect.

Luckily I made it back unharmed to Clarendon and rushed in to AD's apartment, late as usual. Her friend was coming with us and I had never met her. I immediately liked her though as we share the same name and she split her 4loko with me. Just what I needed. I changed quickly into my gold leggings and slapped on some makeup. Then back in a cab to go back to Northeast to club Glow. We were let in quickly and grabbed drinks. The club was fairly empty when we got there but filled up quite quickly. I decided I should run to the bathroom before Benny Benassi went on and my timing couldn't have been worse. When I got back it was packed to the brim and I couldn't place where I had left the girls. I pushed my way to where I thought they were just as Benny went on. I was stuck and couldn't find them. I was trying to resign myself to the fact that I was going to spending the set alone, with the masses of sweaty people, when I spotted AD's friend's sunglasses in the crowd, somehow. I pushed over and was extremely relieved. Now I could appropriately enjoy drunken dancing to an Italian dj. Both girls quickly made friends--they had boys come up to dance with them almost immediately. I, on the other hand, was left alone, most likely because of the shiny gold leggings. Just as I was starting to get pouty about it I felt someone behind me. Aha a new friend for me as well. For the first few minutes I was too scared to turn around to see what I was facing. But when I finally did I was pleasantly surprised--he was actually good-looking. Although for some reason in my drunken state I was convinced he was gay. This did not stop me from making out with him though, no no. Making out while seeing a dj, it was just like my times in Europe. We did chat a little at one point when I had to go get water. He was a couple years younger than me (of course) and worked for the PTO, which we had worked closely with at the law firm and was just up the street. He had also been to Ultra. I decided he was nice (and he didn't threaten to beat me) so I gave him my number. We danced for the rest of the set until AD texted me that they were ready to leave because their feet hurt. As soon as I read it I felt the pain shooting through my feet as well. Wearing heels to dance for four straight hours is not a good idea. I bid farewell to my boyfriend for the night and we headed out. My feet were hurting so badly that at one point I had to take my shoes off to walk. Now I hate when girls do that but you know it was bad when I walked barefoot down a sidewalk in NE DC. We magically found a cab and headed back to Clarendon.

The next day I was once again hungover as hell. I had to wake up at a decent hour though (before noon) because my exboyfriend was finally on his way to fix my computer, then we had lunch plans with our friend Tricky out in Fairfax. Now Ex and I dated for about 2 and a half years during college and also continued hooking up after we split. We had stayed friends and this was why I decided that he was going to be my chosen hookup. I hadn't seen him in quite awhile however and I was unpleasantly surprised when I did. He was kind of weird and I felt like he was judging me for being hungover. He was a bit condescending and seemed to shoot down everything I said. He did fix my computer though, so at least there's that. We then headed to Fairfax, the location of our college, to meet Tricky. She was my roommate for the first two years of college and was now married with a baby. Our lives were completely different but we still managed to remain friends. Lunch was filled with reminiscing and me struggling to eat. Afterwards Ex dipped out, despite his promise to drive me back to the metro, and Tricky and I decided to go check out our old college campus, as it had changed quite a bit since we had left. It was like a completely different place and we even managed to get lost. While gawking at a new building Tricky drove full-speed over a speed bump and practically bottomed out her car which caused us to crack up laughing, just like the old times. She then drove me to the metro. As I was reaching into her backseat for my bag a gust of wind blew up my dress, completely exposing my black undies to everyone waiting. When we had composed ourselves I said my bye and walked into the station with as much dignity as I could muster. I was heading back to the bus to NY. But my visit to DC had been a smashing success.

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