Saturday/Saturday night- Now I had started working part-time at a certain national coffee house chain upon my arrival in NYC. I worked mostly on the weekends, and because of my misplaced priorities, I did not let it interfere too much with my going out. Which is why I arrived a half hour late, in my going out clothes from the night before, for my shift for Saturday afternoon. I had left the ibanker's late and basically had to run, hungover and in heels, the 6 blocks from the subway to the store. My supervisor was not pleased as I tried to sneak into the bathroom to change into my work clothes. I finished out my shift and afterwards had Hipster meet me--there was a dj in town I really wanted to see but of course it was sold out and we were going to try to scalp some tickets. I of course didn't have time to go home and since I had no other choice, I changed back into my outfit from the night before. Let me also point out that Friday had been unnaturally warm but on Saturday the temperature had plummetted roughly 30 degrees. I was not dressed appropriately--I realized this as I stepped outside in my dress, tights (which had acquired a lovely hole from the night before) and my light jacket. The wind was like being pelted with chunks of dry ice, and my legs were bright red by the time we walked to the subway 2 blocks away. We arrived at the venue but the only person selling was an idiot girl selling 1 ticket for $100. Pass. This is the second time I have tried unsuccessfully to see this dj-I don't think it will ever happen.
Luckily we had a backup dj we decided to see in Brookly. This was only $5 and wasn't sold out. We had some time to kill before the show so we went to Hipster's apartment where I promptly passed out on his couch. I woke up to he and his roommate chatting next to me. At this point it was late and the thought of going back outside physically sickened me. But we caught a second wind after discussing clubbing in Berlin and decided to man up. Now Hipster owns a van--a bright blue molester van. And of course driving this to Williamsburg was much more convenient than taking the subway or a cab. So before I knew it, I was wedged in the front seat of this van with two hipsters passing cans of 4loko back and forth, blasting Hot Chip. It was amazing.
We parked (knocking over a trash can) and walked to the venue to be greeted by a line around the block. We stood there for about a half hour, me shivering uncontrollably, when they finally announced that only 25 and over were being let in. A win, as half the line disappeared. We went in and the dj was awesome. I was annoyed though, as all the hipsters just stood there watching and not dancing. Not me, and not Hipster, since he kept trying to dance up on me. THis was uncomfortable but I still had a good time. Now at the end of the night I had every intention of taking the subway back home, but halfway through the dj realized I had left my phone plugged in to charge back at Hipster's. Shit. I obv had to go back and get it and though they offered to drive me back, this offer didn't hold up. Probably for the best as none of us was in any state to be driving cross-borough. I was going to curl up on the very short couch but knowing how uncomfortable this would be I reluctantly ended up sleeping in the bed with Hipster, my back to him, hugging the wall the entire night. That is until I woke up early in the morning and had to pee. In my 4loko, half asleep state I didn't know what the hell was going on. Hipster's bed was lofted and directly next to a window. I apparently started to claw at the curtains, thinking the window was the door. He woke up and made me stop. I then tried to step off the bed and he had to basically help me climb down the ladder so I didn't die. Despite where it seemed like this was going, I did make it to the bathroom and peed successfuly (in the toilet). Right after I got back we heard noise and the front door slam. Hipster's roommate, who was just as drunk as I was, had to work early this morning. A couple minutes later, Hipster receives a text from him "Fuck, mad late" followed by "Yup just starting to get hungover" a couple hours later. To be continued....
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