Friday, March 18, 2011

Weekend 6- Night 1: the Gays

Friday Night- This weekend was for some reason so epic that I need to devote a post to each night. So on this night I had plans with GF to go out because he had some friends in town. The night worked out where we never encountered these friends. I headed over to his apartment in the East Village later than intended, since he told me to stall coming over--he had had a date with a 40 year old co-worker earlier in the evening and apparently it was going well. So well that when I arrived the co-worker was still there and GF informed me they had already hooked up. We had a few drinks and listened to some house, while his date kept telling me I should be a model. A keeper, if you ask me. While I searched on the computer for a particular song GF and date began to make out. Despite how irritating this can be, I was much more comfortable with it than I would have been with a straight couple. We were pretty well-boozed at this point and decided to head out. We went to the bar where GF's roommate and friends were, took a look at the people in line and immediately vetoed this option. We ran into the Chinese restaurant next door so I could pee and reevaluate our game plan over shots. Date put it out there that we should head to a gay bar and I enthusiastically agreed. It was the usual--me drunkenly dancing with a roomful of males to Gaga and the likes. I was pretty much a waste face at this point and was very puzzled that there was no ladies' room (I've been to plenty of gay bars...I know this). I had been trying to coordinate plans with ibanker for a good part of the night and he was not being helpful. So it must've been at this point that I decided to text---cute guy. Yes, puke-in-the-sink guy. We hadn't spoken once since the day after the incident but not surprisingly he was enthusiastic to hear from me. An excerpt for our exchange:
Him: I see youre firing on all cylinders. Wish I was there to see it. And wtf is baha?
Presenting my best side, as usual. So Date decides he can longer keep up and leaves. GF and I decide to head to another gay bar. On the way we meet friends--an attractive gay man and his supposedly straight friend. We chat about lord knows what and hang out with them for a bit at the club. But not long after arrival, they mysteriously disappear. I know why-while all waiting in line for the bathroom I opened up the door on straight friend. I decide this is not an issue and inform him that I'm going to pee anyway. And I do--strange man at the urinal and me peeing in the toilet, both in the same one-person bathroom. Yes this could explain why we never heard from them again. But not a loss since GF and I still managed to get all our drinks for free.
Ibanker is finally being more responsive at this point and I decide why the hell not meet him at his other favorite bar. We take a cab all the way downtown and GF falls asleep on my shoulder. I have somehow sobered up a bit at this point. We arrive and the bar is packed because John Mayer is sitting at a table there. He is surrounded by people and I don't really give a shit. Now I have two particular friends who are obsessed with the man and they gave me hell for not going over and sitting on his lap. Though this would have made our already ridic night much more interesting, I unfortunatley did no such thing. We stay for a few minutes but GF is getting crabby so we all decide to leave. My plan is to go back with ibanker but GF tells me outside the bar that I "can do so much better". I cringe as ibanker is standing right next to us. GF keeps insisting that I go back with him but I somehow talk reason into him and we part ways. I get in a cab with ibanker and we stop at McDonalds for some delish late night treats. We walk into his apartment for our feasting and his roommate (remember drunk, delirious child?) is passed out, face down on the couch. Ibanker shakes him awake and attempts to get him to go to bed. Absolutely not. He sticks around trying to steal our nuggets. Ibanker is possessive of them and does not let him take any. In retaliation for this, roommate lunges for the nearest nintendo controller, which happens to be the yellow one (closest to the color of chicken). He puts it in his mouth and is just about to bite down before ibanker yells for him to stop. Roommate looks up, a twinkle in his eye, and informs him that he won't do it if he gets half the nuggets. Why reason with a person in this state, so ibanker wisely concedes. After our calorie fest, we all head to bed. To be continued...

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