Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Who Raised These Males??

It was my first weekend back in New York after being away for almost a month and I was playing it by ear. Friday after work I went to see Work Friend's band play at Bowery Electric but there wasn't much going on after so I headed home in a pouty mood. Yahtzee texted me on my way and said that they were heading to a bar right near my apartment. I was pleased at this as I didn't feel like going far. After waiting around for them I considered just going to bed until he called me from the cab and ordered me to come out. It turns out the bar was literally kitty corner from my apartment and I had somehow never noticed it before. I walked in and it was actually really cool. I saw Yahtzee standing with one of Deux's friend, whom I had met on several occasions, yet I hadn't really spoken with besides once on my bday. We will call him Razzle. He is good-looking but seemed like a total flake and player from what I had witnessed so far. He was determined to hook up with someone that night and unfortunately he set his sights on me. He greeted me very enthusiastically and I was a bit taken aback but took a shot with them all to take the edge off. Deux was there with a date, who actually turned out to be a cool girl. No matter since she will never be brought around again. As the night progressed, Razzle was laying it on pretty thick and I was trying to not fall into his trap. He was Deux's best friend after all, and I had already gone there with him, so I didn't want to do the same with his friend.
Atl showed up for a bit and commented that there was no way I was getting out of this one unless I was a total bitch to him--his claws were in deep. Luckily she was being hilarious as usual and had her huge bag with her from work which she kept hitting random people with. She left soon after, as did Deux and his date, leaving me with Yahtzee and Razzle. Razzle kept trying to make me dance with him, which I begrudgingly obliged. I'm sure he was sorry after he saw my terrible dance skills. This did not deter him though and he kept up his act. Yahtzee left without me realizing and I was really done for. Razzle said we should go to another bar and I agreed, hoping that by getting him farther away from my apartment it would be easier to fight him off. We walked up to Ave A but somehow didn't realize that it was just about last call. I decided this was my cue and said I was going to head home. Razzle said he would walk me and I insisted more than once that he didn't have to. Yea right. He walked me to my door and I was ready to dash inside when he pulled the line--"Can I come up and use the bathroom". Jesus Christ. At this point I just threw in the towel. I was tired and sick of fighting. Sure dude come up and "use the bathroom".
But there are times in life when you should fight and this was one of them. Even though Razzle was good-looking and a successful guy, he was pushy right from the beginning so I should have figured that this would continue behind closed doors. He is also friends with Deux aka the Midnight Rapist, so that was not a good sign. I unfortunately ignored these red flags. I as always informed him that I would not be sleeping with him but he was not ready to take no for an answer. He kept pushing the issue, trying anything he could think of to make me want to. He kept trying to reason with me that it was a good idea and the icing on the cake was when he asked if we could have anal sex. ABSOLUTELY NOT.
And to make matters worse Razzle was not the only guy who had tried to force himself on me recently. The Hipster was also pretty insistent about getting what he wanted, except he tried to put it when he thought I wasn't paying attention. Like I am not going to notice your giant wang coming near me?? I had blocked this from my memory because I had a little crush on him but I brought it back to the surface once he blew me off. So this is where the question arises--who raised these guys?? As a female I was under the impression that it is your prerogative to sleep and NOT sleep with whomever you would like and just because you allow a dude into your bed, doesn't mean that he is guaranteed sex. Yes this may make you a "tease" and I do admit it is a bit amusing to see these guys lose their shit over not getting what they want. But, males, if a girl tells you no, and you try anyway, well that is just a bit rapey. If I ever have children, and they are males, I will certainly be teaching them this, unlike the mothers of Hipster and Razzle who apparently never taught them that lesson. And after all that fighting I did never hear from Razzle afterwards, not like I would've wanted to. I also have yet to see him, and I am dreading it. It is inevitable, since he is friends with Yahtzee and I will have to have my game face ready.
The next day, conveniently, was a Girls' Day, which JM had planned with some of her friends and was exactly what I needed. We went to the Warm Up at MoMA PS1, which is basically a giant dance party in the courtyard of a museum. We saw some art, drank some beers and danced around. The only male we had contact with was a drunk hipster who came up behind us and lifted up his shirt revealing his fat gut. He would try and sneak in the background of our pictures with his fat stomach hanging out and I actually thought it was pretty hilarious. The Warm Up was followed by a long dinner where we ordered basically everything on the menu to share and cracked up at each other's stories. A perfect way to forget about terrible guys and their rude tendencies.

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