And the misbehaving guys continue. This one was bound to happen though. I knew it in the back of my head and it had been building up for months. High School. My "friend" whom I had met while interning at MoMA when I first moved to NYC last year. As a review, he is from the Cuse as well and we had gone to the same high school (hence the name). At the beginning of our "friendship" we had gone drinking at the Astoria beer garden and then he stayed at my apartment til 6AM, with nothing at all happening between us. Ever since then we texted fairly regularly and met up to go drinking every once in awhile. We somehow always manage to see flattened roadkill when we are together. But what makes this all interesting is that he has a girlfriend, whom he has never mentioned to me. I know she exists because it is listed on facebook. I have of course done some research and have determined that they have been together for at least a couple of years. Yet he has never once talked about her, though I have never brought her up either. And this is how it went, until a fateful Saturday night changed everything with us.
Atl and I were fishing around for plans-- we were set on going out but there didn't seem to be a whole lot going on. I saw on facebook that a couple of JM's friends were at Arrow Bar nearby so I texted one and informed her we would be meeting her there. We trucked over and before we were even inside the bar we had a couple of bros talking to us. This was part of our plan all along, since we wanted free drinks so we went with it, even though one of them was a ginger. I greeted the girls but we were occupied with our bros and free shots so we didn't end up staying with them for very long. We instead accompanied said bros to Doc Holliday's down the street, which is a dive-y country bar, but I was excited that they had Labatt. More shots and more drinks and we of course headed across the street to Niagara Bar, which was our final stop on our tour of Avenue A. I know we met up with some of their friends but things were a little fuzzy for me after about 6 shots and I don't remember this too much. I definitely wasn't the drunkest one in our group though--the ginger had beer spilled down the front of his shirt right next to a cigarette burn.
Since we were all very classy we hopped in a cab and headed to the Thompson Hotel, where they for some reason unbeknownst to me, let us all in. Now the texts with High School had started earlier in the night, determining where the other was. This night High School decided to come meet up with me, even after I gave him wrong directions and he ended up in the West Village. Atl had disappeared with one of the bros at this point, leaving me with the ginger, which was never ever going to happen. High School met us both in the lobby and there was a 30 second awkward period until the ginger got the hint and left. Then the two of us started our own drinking tour of Houston St. stopping at 2 or 3 bars, though I have no idea where and for how long. We eventually made it back to Avenue C, where after picking up some pizza headed up to my apartment to continue drinking. At this point I was obviously extremely drunk and mid-pizza got up to pass out on my bed. He followed me and it went down. We didn't sleep together but it must have gotten pretty hot and heavy since I woke up in the morning with no clothes on. I panicked when I realized he was next to me and was very uncomfortable. It's not that I don't like High School. I do have a little crush on him. But we had gone so long with nothing ever happening that I had just started thinking it never would and that we were actually friends. So of course I kept my cool, but trying to put my clothes back on without uncovering myself and telling him that this was "weird". Smooth. I also told him his girlfriend would be pissed, to which he had no response at all. Not fessing up even then. But the man was in my bed so I knew I needed to cut the tension. We watched the Old Greg video and made stupid jokes and things seemed to be back to normal besides us laying in my bed together. And to my surprise he even put my new Ikea dresser together for me when I asked. I was pretty hungover and didn't contribute much. Dresser looks great though. Then the two us and Atl headed to brunch, where we all drank Bloody Marys and I felt better. After sitting there for about 3 hours listening to the bartender's awesome playlist, High School took his leave and I haven't seen him since. We are back to texting again but I don't think either of us wants to be the first to bring up hanging out. And now I can officially consider myself a homewrecker.
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