Monday, April 11, 2011

Ultra Part 2

We woke up a few hours later to MM's arrival and sent McPoyle packing. A couple hours after that I decided it was time to rouse everybody so we could head to Ultra. I put on my neon pink bra and my infamous Deutschland granny panties under my outfit so I could feel festive. After waiting out the line to get in we headed straight for Fedde Le Grand, who is one of my favorite dj's. His set was amazing but so loud that afterwards I felt like I had cotton shoved in my ears for three days. This also began the tradition of lines of people trying to push through the crowd using us as their thoroughfare. We must look like easy targets because it seemed like every single person at Ultra who needed to get in or out of the crowd made a beeline straight for us. It got a little irritating after awhile, I won't lie. We met up with McPoyle and co. after the set. They were decked out in cowboy hats and looked like massive d bags (except for attractive Bachelor of course who was wearing a Syracuse lacrosse jersey). We watched part of Armin Van Buuren's set with them (instead of Moby's which I was not pleased about) and I won't lie my throat got a little tight when Armin dedicated his set to the victims of the Love Parade in Germany last year. I was pleased with my Deutschland underwear decision. Even more so when I spotted a group of attractive young Germans waving their flag a bit later. I debated then ran up to them and pulled up my skirt to reveal the infamous undies. One gave me a disapproving look, which I thought odd. Oh well--I posed for a pic in front of the flag. When finished the one came up to me--"We are not German, we are Belgian", pointing to the flag. I then realized that the stripes were going the wrong way and this was in fact a Belgian flag. Shit, I was the stereotypical idiot American. I was so embarassed that instead of sticking around to chat with the attractive Europeans I quickly ran off. I'm still kicking myself for not playing this off like I should have--I missed my chance to potentially have a young European boyfriend for the weekend. We then headed over to watch Cut Copy (amazing) and Empire of the Sun (whack) with McPoyle and Samson, who was wasted again. He had his catnose back on and was walking around high-fiving everyone. Seriously everyone. AD quickly made friends with an attractive young Mexican named Ernesto. Unfortunately the girls that Ernesto was with were not pleased about this, even though one of them was seriously the prettiest girl I've ever seen. He stuck it out with us though and became part of our crew until Deadmau5's set, where AD grew suddenly sick of him. And no, I did not threaten to fight Deadmau5, even though to be honest I wasn't that pleased with his set. I also grew so hot during it that I took off my shirt and walked around in my neon bra for the rest of the night. No biggie, until I had to fend off grabby McPoyle who had turned his attentions elsewhere after AD became occupied with Ernesto. I was not pleased. But before leaving Ultra for the night I made everyone come with me to watch Sasha's set, which in my opinion was the best at Ultra. I was pumped and danced my ass off, neon bra and all. Afterwards we walked back to McPoyle's hotel with promises of a big night out. Norris greeted us at the door, holding an entire cake and eating it with his hands. Miley Cyrus's Party in the USA was blaring from ipod speakers on repeat. One of the boys walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the mouth. Big night indeed. Realizing that none of these people were going to be able to get themselves together enough to come up with a game plan for the night, I hopped into an empty spot in a bed, next to one of the boys I hadn't met yet. I was so sick of standing I didn't even care. Eventually a plan was made to head down to the hotel pool. Awesome. My hopes for an after-party were dashed. I perched on the edge of the hottub annoyed that it would not be at all appropriate for me to remove anymore clothing than I already had. Luckily Bachelor came to chat with MM and me (McPoyle had resumed his focus on AD). He told us that most of them were in med school, including Samson who was studying to be a...wait for it....heart surgeon. We were horrified. "Imagine seeing him before going under", MM said. We turned to watch him grab his crotch then proceed to sink clumsily into the hottub, with his eyes focused straight ahead and unblinking the entire time. Soon after we made the decision to head back to rest up for our last day at Ultra. We slept entirely too late the next day and I missed seeing one of my favorite dj;s, whom I have never seen. I try not to think about it too much. I also made a fatal mistake in not wearing my gold leggings this day, which I also kick myself for. But we watched an awesome set by Ferry Corsten, and two terrible ones by Steve Aoki and Crystal Castles. McPoyle had been texting AD non-stop all day but because of their failure to provide us with any fun the night before we convinced her to ignore them. MM had a backup for us--a kid she had recently hooked up with and his brother were at Ultra. We met up with them--the four stood in a circle and chatted about people they knew while I stood to the side and felt like a 5th wheel. This apparently piqued someone's interest, as a large man grabbed my ass and blew me a kiss as he walked by. Enough is enough--I coraled them into a tent to watch ATB's set which was pretty amazing. We then headed over to the main stage for the Chemical Brothers--the last set of the last night. To be continued....

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