Monday, April 18, 2011

Nothing is ever free

It's true. When will I finally learn this?? The week after Ultra had been tough. Getting up at the time I had been going to bed was making me exhausted. We'll let this be the blame for my clouded judgment. I decided at some point during the week that I was going to take AD's friend Miami up on his Strokes ticket. I am not a huge Strokes fan, but they did sell out Madison Square Garden and I felt like an offer to something like this couldn't be passed up. When I originally texted Miami, he said the ticket was $70. Then when I backed out he said that I could just buy him a couple beers. I agreed to this situation after he enticed me with the mention that he and his friends were going to be making an epic dinner beforehand. So that night, after stopping by the Euro Market to pick up a 6pack of Carlsberg, I headed to the address, which seemed to not be too far from the Port Authority bus terminal. What a crock. I walked about 8 blocks, with my arms ready to fall off from the 6pack. I finally arrived and though the friend's apartment was on the 36th floor, with floor to ceiling windows in the bedrooms, there was no dinner to be had. Or food anywhere. Just three guys and Miami sitting around watching baseball.
I was immediately not happy with this setup, as I hadn't eaten yet. I reluctantly drank a beer, but I was cautious to just have one, as I wasn't exactly trusting of Miami, whom I had met only once. He also seemed to think I was interested, or at least wanted to brag that I was. At one point in front of the guys Miami loudly stated how cool it was of me to "hit him up, out of nowhere". Yea sure. I played along, knowing my ticket was at stake. We stayed for a couple hours, and a few more of their friends showed up, including a group of hipsters. Every single person there except for one of the guys who lived there had gone to UMiami and knew each other. Luckily this guy had a bit of experience with Europe, so I chatted with him for pretty much the whole evening, as I can blab on about for hours if needed.
Lucky for me, on the way to MSG we grabbed slices of dollar pizza, which Miami was forced to pay for, as I had no cash. Once inside, we met more friends, and headed to our seats, which weren't bad. On the way I did buy Miami a ridiculously over-priced beer, as was the agreement. The concert was fun, not too long for me to get bored and Elvis Costello made a guest appearance which is good to brag about. Miami did insist on having his arm around me almost the entire time, and I was starting to not feel good about myself. Afterwards we regrouped. The plan was to go to a bar but for some reason it was decided that heading back to the apartment first was a good idea. Mostly everyone was wasted (I had been pacing myself as to stay on alert in case Miami tried to pull anything) and I knew this really wasn't going to be a successful outing. I hung around for a bit longer then decided it was time to head home, to avoid any other further unpleasant situations. On the way out one of the unsmiling hipsters girls looked at me and said "Bye it was SO much fun". I stared at her for a minute, confused as to why she was speaking to me, then realized she was trying to be a bitch. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. Miami insisted on escorting me all the way outside, then neither put me in a cab nor walked me to the subway. He then proceeded to blow up my phone for the next 5 days that he was in town. I had an excuse for every day. I justified this to myself; he usually only texted an hour before the invitation was about to take place. Despite this, we ended things on a friendly note and I'll never have to see him again.
The next day, on my walk to the subway from that fucking coffee shop, I recounted the night to my friend on the phone. It was extremely windy and we were having difficulties hearing each other. Suddenly I looked up--there was a giant bag of garbage careening wildly down the otherwise empty sidewalk. I stopped in my tracks, unsure of where it was headed. I watched it as it approached and dodged to the left. It suddenly shifted, heading straight towards me. I screamed and did a quick sidestep. It rolled by, narrowly missing running over my foot. I looked around embarrassed--had anyone seen me being chased by an unruly bag of garbage?? It appeared not. I resumed my conversation with my friend until I made it to the subway, on alert for any other rolling items.

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