Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Guest Post

MM recently sent me an email about an epic weekend of her own she had had visiting AD. The entire time at Ultra they had told stories about their hot mess of a friend that went to UMiami with them. I had seen pictures of her and quite frankly she terrified me. Hot Mess met them in DC from Long Island for the weekend and this is what took place:

hahah the weekend was very fun- you should have come!! we got
alllllmost to the end homefree from any major Hot Mess embarrassments...
unless you count the fact that she was very unattractively passing out
while sitting up in a bar. I wish i had taken a picture of that.
people kept asking us what was wrong with her, but since i was on such
a mission to get a man, AD and i basically pretended we didnt
notice. but finally we threw in the towel and got in a cab to go home.
we got out of the cab literally a half a block from AD's place and
see 2 guys walking down the street and we just yelled "hey you want to
go in our hot tub?" obviously they did and upon closer inspection,
AD actually knew one of them (ill let her fill in the details of
how...) The other guy was verrrry cute minus his outfit (a black tank
top- not like a beater/undershirt but a tank top that Im pretty sure I
also own) and questionable facial hair and tattoos. he would have been
dead sexy without all of those things. but anyway, we took them
upstairs to AD's and started drinking her vodka-pineapple
abomination. Im pretty sure Hot Mess passed out at this point? but the
rest of us were busy trying to pick the lock to get into the hot tub
which was closed. well eventually we notice that Hot Mess and the
more-creepy-less-hot guy were missing so AD goes to check on them
and walks in on them naked on the floor of her poor closet! super
gross! then Hot Mess left at like 6 am and the naked boy proceeds to try
to molest sleeping AD. and i totally dropped the ball by passing
out before making a move on the hot one...
haha another funny note- i decided to be a trooper and take public
transportation (i.e. train and subway- my first time ever using either
of these alone) to get to AD's instead of driving (im so green).
on the way down, i managed to get onto the wrong train- i got on the
Amtrak Acela train that is all 1st class/business class and very posh.
I was the only person on it that wasnt in a business suit and was
under 40 (it was thursday at like 5 pm). i managed to avoid ever
having my ticket checked and i checked later- the ticket would have
been almost $100 rather than my $7 Marc train ticket. But- this fast
fancy train goes all the way to NY so maybe I can sneak on and get to
NY in like 2 hours...?

Pretty ridic, just the way I like it.

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