Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Interns Moving In....

So at this point I had made my return to NYC from my little trip to Cuse. I was back in action and ready once again to take on NYC. Except my first Friday night in town I had no plans. I headed home after work, mildly content with the idea of staying in that night. After about an hour putzing around my apartment I wanted out. I had texted Ibanker (we were once again talking) to see if he wanted to hang out. No response. I wasn't pleased. Luckily around 10, when I was just at my wit's end, I received a text from one of the interns I had worked with. He was from Syracuse as well and we had figured out that we had gone to the same high school. I hadn't known him then because he was a freshman when I was a senior. We had buddied up however and he inquired what I was doing that night. Nothing. Yet. I invited him to come out to the beer garden near my apartment and was surprised when he actually agreed. I sat around for awhile longer until he finally arrived around 1 am, solo and drunk. We walked over and proceeded to sit there, yapping about god knows what and drinking beers the size of our face. We were the last people to leave the bar and we then decided to obviously get food. We walked around the desolute neighborhood in the exact opposite direction of the 24 hour diner a block away from my apartment. I almost had heart attack laughing when I came very close to stepping on a dead crow in the middle of the road and also invited myself to his camp near Syracuse for over the summer. He seemed fairly nervous that I would actually show up. I then came to the realization that we should've gone to the diner in question so we turned around and headed there. As we walked in I announced that the last time I was here I had (almost) puked in the bathroom (the night of BK and JW in town). Luckily I did not this time--I kept my eggs down and even was able to witness the start of a domestic violence incident in the table next to ours.
Upon leaving I assumed that High School would just take the subway home but no no. He wanted to keep drinking and not knowing what else to do (it was 4 am) I said that we could have a drink at my apartment. And not wanting to be anywhere else in my apartment we sat in my room. Now High School has a girlfriend--he has never told me directly but it is displayed on facebook. So why he was in another's girl bedroom at 4 in the morning seemed a bit sketch. I was not sure how to approach this situation and since I had just suffered a big-time rejection I was in no state to put myself out there. Too bad since I had a 23 year old alone in my room but I did not sit on the bed with him and kept going through facebook pictures and blabbing to distract myself. This went on until 6am when he finally decided to leave. Good idea since it was already light out and he didn't seem to be making any moves. So at least now I am not a homewrecker.
I slept basically all of the next day until I had to get up and get ready for my Saturday night. I was meeting some of the other interns (High School didn't end up making for dinner and a night out. Ever since eating the most delish pho of my life in Germany I had been wanting to get more. So I had successfully convinced some of the other interns to try it with me. I met one of them, JM, at a museum where she worked on the weekends to walk to the pho place in Chinatown. I was not quite sure how to get there--I kept walking and the street looked suddenly familliar. I looked up and directly across from was Ibanker's bedroom windown. Ahhhh! I walked as quickly as I could--what if he looked out and saw me there, like a stalker?? I made it by then realized I had gone the wrong way and had to turn around, walking by it again! Chances are he was not there but after he had never responded to my text to hang out I figured I shouldn't be creeping around outside his apartment. I finally made it to meet JM and we walked roughly half the length of the island of Manhattan to the restuarant. Another intern (codename-Denim) and her boyfriend met us for dinner. I was very disappointed with the pho but enjoyed the dinner nonetheless. We then walked to the second place I wanted to try--Painkiller Tiki Bar. This was an extremely dark and narrow bar with extremely expensive and strong frozen cocktails. I was pleased. After some time there we decided to yet another place I wanted to try--Revision Lounge, which supposedly had coffins you could sit in (perhaps a foreshadowing of where my lifestyle is leading me??). Upon arrival of course we could not enter the coffin room because of a private party (bitches) so were forced to sit in the front, which was just an average bar. Except at first it seemed to be filled with lesbians but as the night progressed it became packed with finance bros, he paid no attention to me. JM decided to catch her train back to Long Island but I stayed to third-wheel it with Denim and her boyfriend. They decided to go to a club/bar near NYU and I followed. As soon as I walked in I knew it wasn't my scene--I was about 45 years old compared to everyone else there and my night before had started to catch up with me. I was in no mood for dancing. I felt like I was 19 again with Judgers partying at GW bars. I stood with the two of them being awkward. I noticed that one of the guys there looked familiar--after some pondering I realized that he was one of the guys in the apartment where I had met Miami about a month before. I debated saying hi then realized I didn't feel like dealing with. I decided to leave and Im sure Denim and her bf were relieved.
The next day I wandered through Central Park alone. When I returned home I decided it was time to give Ibanker a piece of my mind--no response to my text, no way buddy. So I sent one to him with just one word- "rude". He immediately responded, confused. I said that he didn't respond to me and he forwarded me the text he had sent me, inviting me out with him and the other Ibankers. He retorted that I had never responded to him. My phone never got it. Oops. I felt a bit dumb but I was at least glad that he hadn't ignored me. I played it off with a lame joke and decided we were on speaking terms again.

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