Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fashion and Freefest

Fashion's Night Out is a big event in New York and one that I was really excited to check out. I recruited who other than GF to be my partner in crime. Our original plan was to walk around and then check out a band that was playing at Rockefeller Center for the night, but we nixed this when we arrived on 59th and Madison to a huge crowd, weaving in and out of different stores. I really had no idea what this night was all about but the stores stay open late, many with free food and cocktails and as if that isn't enough, have special appearances by celebrities to draw people in. I should've figured that this is New York and people would be dressed to the nines but unfortunately I had had a lapse in judgement and had dressed pretty casually. Luckily, it is New York, and you can pretty much get away with wearing whatever you want. We headed into the Calvin Klein store and stood in the midst of the crowd. There was a dj and people taking pictures of a model towards the front. We saw an employee walk by carrying a tray with about 6 champagne glasses on it, which were quickly snatched up. Figuring that was a lost cause, we headed towards 5th Ave, which was where the real action was. Most of the designer stores had huge lines and/or vip lists and we knew that was never happening. We did make it into Tiffany's and I picked out which ring GF which purchase for me. After we walked down to Rockefeller to have a drink and on our way there I thought I spotted Cute Guy crossing the street and my stomach dropped (luckily it wasn't him). Our next destination was a party being thrown by GF's roomate's fiance in Soho. We were going to slum it down there on the subway like we always do but noticed a mysterious looking line. We discovered that VW was sponsoring free rides down to Soho and figured why not take advantage. While we stood in line we were of course forced to give a faux interview, captured on camera, about how excited we were to be riding in a VW. Only half a lie, since I was pretty excited not to have to endure the stench of the subway. Our car pulled up, we jumped in and were immediately stuck in traffic. This gave us plenty of time to chat with our driver who was about our age and a firefighter from Queens. He was cool and put on some house music for us. After about an hour of sitting in traffic we finally made it to the party. People were crowded outside and when we pulled up everyone turned to peer inside the car. GF and I were enjoying this immensely and it became even better when two teenage girls ran up to the car and took our picture. I guess being in a private car with the Fashion's Night Out Logo can't hurt, even for us. Unfortunately this is where our fame ended, as we went in the public entrance rather than the red carpet entrance. Inside was a madhouse, since Heidi Klum was doing an interview in the corner. Luckily there were plenty of free drinks at this place though and after craning to get a look we helped ourselves. While standing there I noticed a good-looking blonde guy in a suit. GF claimed he looked tooly and that he seemed like my type. We forgot about him until a few minutes later when he walked up to us. To both our surprise he went straight up to GF and introduced himself. GF had somehow not picked up on this. They chatted for a minute and then the mysterious stranger disappeared into the night. I decided to then take advantage of the free makeup booths set up. I had a complimentary airbrush done and then headed to another for my blush. GF claimed I looked great but when I got home that night, discovered that in natural lighting I looked shockingly like a geisha. GF's roommate joined us, we had a few more drinks and then decided to a fashion "photo shoot". We chose our wardrobe, selecting the most ridiculous pieces we could find (I believe mine was a zebra print tunic, GF's a fur coat and his roommate had on a cowboy hat) and stepped in front of the photographer taking the pictures. We yelled and posed ridiculously and I would kill someone to get my hands on that photo. By this time the party was starting to wind down so I took the subway back to my hood, since I needed my beauty rest for the weekend.
I was headed back to DC. This particular trip was for Freefest, a giant festival where the tickets were free, if you could get your hands on one. I had, along with AD, Same Name Friend and ED. The crew was being reunited. We made it late to the festival, since I insisted on stuffing my face with some Ben's Chili Bowl before we left. So we had to run over to the stage and only caught the last few songs of Two Door Cinema Club' set. After we realized what we were standing in....disgusting farm mud covered in hay. The festival was being held out in the country in Maryland and this stage must have been placed right on top of a shit-filled pasture. Let's just say that my Keds didn't make back to New York with me. We resigned ourselves to the smelliness and eventually got used to it, since almost every band we wanted to see was going to be at this stage. Except for the next act--Calvin Harris. So after a trip to the portapotties and the beer line we headed to the "dance forest" and squeezed ourselves into the mass of sweaty people. Unfortunately many of these people happened to include fucking annoying college sophomore girls who had had too much to drink. After Same Name Friend almost punched one they moved away and we were able to fully enjoy Calvin Harris. He was awesome and we danced our faces off. I was even more excited for after his set--Cut Copy. And even better news, BK was at the Fest as well and met up with us. We headed back to the smelly stage to all watch Cut Copy together. I danced as much as I could with my feet sinking into farm mud, b/c lord knows I love Cut Copy. Of course I was thinking about the last time I had seen them with the Croatia boys but I was able for the most part to ignore it. Halfway through the set, with the sun beating down on all of us, I decided that my shirt had to go. It was an awesome one, with bright neon letters spelling "hello" that JW had worn to Rebel Bingo, but I was sweating like a fiend and in my alcohol haze decided it was no longer necessary. Off it went, revealing my neon pink bra underneath. I kept this is up long after the set was over, just like at Ultra. I even received a compliment from a girl so it wasn't the worst idea.

We had some time to kill before the next acts, and delicious smells were wafting from the food tents. We headed for the one next to the "dance forest" so we could listen to Porter Robinson while we waited in line. And waited we did. And waited and waited. We had been in line a half hour and were barely moving. People were starting to get antsy and Same Name Friend began to yell curses at a girl towards the front who had budged. Things became even more ruthless as we neared the front and at one point I was afraid there was going to be Lord of the Flies style anarchy. I know we would have gotten our food much quicker if there had been. Finally when we reached the front I learned why the line was taking so long. The employee supposed to be taking orders was a 15 year old idiot, just standing there, with her mouth hanging open. Now I know I sound bitchy, but I've worked in concessions and know how it works. Standing there is not an option. I barked my orders to her while hitting the counter with my fist for emphasis. My inner bitch was coming out--I had been without food for too long. We finally got our nuggets (no sauce, they were out) and ED and I massacred them in about 20 seconds. We sat for a minute, recovering, until it was time to head back to the smelly stage for the last 2 sets of our night--Empire of the Sun and Deadmau5. And another addition to our group--the elusive Charlie Kelly, from Ultra. We hadn't seen him since and it was a welcome surprise. Especially for AD--she had had her crush on him ever since they met and this time she was acting on it. Not two songs into Deadmau5, they were already making out. Now both Empire and Dmau5 were awesome. We were close to the front and got the full view of Empire's ridiculous costumes. I hadn't been impressed with Deadmau5's performances before (note the time I threatened to beat his ass in Germany) but this time he rocked it. AD was occupied and Same Name Friend had also found a makeout companion, in the form of a French younging who claimed her ass was "intimidating". I was slightly annoyed I did not have my own buddy but proceeded to dance my face off anyway. I soon felt a tap on my shoulder.I turned to find my German friend from Sticky Rice standing there. Now there were many key players at Freefest I had unsuccessfully not been able to meet up with, including Blumster and Benny, who was being elusive. I had even invited Lafaille's hot friend at the last minute but he couldn't make it. So out of all these people, I was surprised that it was German who had managed to meet me. We stood for awhile and chatted about the Fest until I knew I couldn't hold my pee any longer, my life story. He walked with me to the portapotty and this is where we parted ways, since he needed to find his friends before the concert ended. I was a little disappointed we couldn't hang out more but also pleased that we had managed to meet up at all.
I made my way back into the crowd, my feet covered in mud, and danced to the last few songs. Halfway through my fav song, a drunk boy in front of me turned to me and began to chat. I was slightly annoyed and when we all turned to leave after the song ended ED grabbed me by the arm and announced to him that "it was too late". We made our way back to the car, sans AD, who had decided to escort Charlie Kelly back to her place. I changed my sleeping location to ED's in Alexandria, but was then very disappointed to learn that Hot Friend was out that night in Arlington. Another failed attempt to meet up (hook up?) with him. Probably for the best, as I was covered in sweat and smelly mud.
The next day ED and I pounded some breakfast then I was heading into the DC to meet up with Benny, despite him being elusive the day before. I had given him some tude about it so I'm sure he was trying to make amends. While waiting for him at Gallery Place, I was conned into buying a newspaper from a homeless man, which is surprising considering my strict "never give money to homeless people" policy. But this one seemed nice and I figured I needed the good karma. Well, another must have witnessed this and walked up to me and demanded two 10's for his 20. I had honestly given the last guy my last dollar so I informed him I didn't have any cash. He stood there glaring at me and repeated his request. I repeated what I had just said louder and slower. He then looked me up and down and spat out "you look rich" before walking away. I nervously adjusted my romper (from Target) and texted Benny to hurry the hell up. When he arrived we had a very similar date to the one we had had roughly a month before, pre-hookup. It was a nice way to spend the afternoon and we had a wholesome time, unlike the last time we had hung out.
And that about wraps my DC trip up. I headed back to NYC the next afternoon as I figured everyone was working and I wanted to get some job applying done in New York. To my chagrin, the moment I stepped on the bus, I received a text from Hot Friend informing me he had the afternoon off. I even debated turning around and catching a later bus, but didn't have the motivation (mainly b/c I looked pretty rough). If I had known that the Ibanker rejection would be taking place roughly 48 hours from then I probably would have. Instead I passed out for the full four hours back to NYC.

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