Friday, May 13, 2011

Cuse Background Part 1

Let's rewind a bit here, so that I may give you some background on my life in the Cuse last fall. It was two weeks after my return from Europe and I was still reeling. I hadn't left the house much since I had been back and luckily Mairey, being a good friend, decided to drag me out for a night on the town to cheer me up. I agreed since all I was doing was obsessively checking facebook, and decided being away from a computer would do me some good. I volunteered to drive since I knew I couldn't get drunk (would def cry). I had also invited my German friend Cardi along--she had been my helper while I was in Hamburg and now she was in Syracuse, doing her exchange semester. She is barely 21, innocent and blonde. Mairey is one of the most sociable girls I know and I was looking pretty good in a new dress, due to all the weight I'd lost. We were doomed from the start.

We went straight to a new bar that had opened, King of Clubs. Not 10 seconds after we had walked in the door, a guy approached us and asked if we wanted to join their table. I rolled my eyes at the same time Mairey said yes. Thankfully she did as they really did have a table, filled to the brim with champagne and grey goose and surrounded by SU law guys. I couldn't believe I was actually in Syracuse. We walked over and they immediately pounced. There were about 8 of them and half took a special liking to Cardi. I felt bad for her but she held her own. I sat on the couch chatting with a particularly good-looking one, though not my type at all; I was surprised he was actually talking to me. We all spent the night drinking champage (only a couple glasses for me), while the guys harassed Cardi and I did a pretty good job at being socialable. I was excited because a few of them were going to be at the giant electro fest I was going to in NYC the next weekend (spoiler-- we never met up). Judgers showed up at one point as well and one of the guys drifted from Cardi to her. Around last call the guy I had been talking to asked for my number and invited us back to one of the guy's apartments for an after-party. We agreed and he then conned me into giving him and the guy who had been talking to Mairey a ride there. We walked into the apartment and were greeted by an ungodly sight--one of the guys had his shirt off, his gut almost pulling down his pants, and was dancing and rapping along to some song. I immediately loved that this was Cardi's first week in the US and this was her introduction to going out in Syracuse. We stayed for a bit, I ate a burrito with my law school guy and then I decided it was time to cart everyone home.
This was not the end of these guys, oh no. When I thought the night was over, Mairey apparently met her guy out again after I dropped her off. She went back to his place and he apparently spent the whole night begging for a blow job. They never spoke again. Judgers took her guy's offer of a dinner date seriously and allowed him to take her out. When they went back to his place after to watch a movie, he stripped down to his boxers. She shot him down and they never spoke again. Cardi resisted from the beginning and never spoke to any of them again.
Then there's me. My law school guy never called and I figured it was a no-go. Then he saw me out at a show a few months later. It was good timing for him as I was to the point where I needed to be over Frenchy, no matter what the cost. We hooked up twice and have never spoken again, aside from the occassional drunk text. Now he is in NYC and I dread the day when I see him out. Or do I?

Follow-up: Our second, seperate incident with different SU law school guys. This was about a month before I left for NYC and is a night which boosts my confidence when I think of it. I feel as though stuff like this doesn't happen often and one needs to bask in it when it does so here I go. Mairey and I had decided at the last minute to head downtown on this Thursday night. She was coming by to get me so I dressed in a hurry--I kept the turtleneck on which I had worn to my job at the coffee chain and reeked like, well, coffee. I put on a high-waisted 80s skirt and some lacy black tights. This wasn't exactly a come-hither outfit but I was proved wrong. We spent the night drinking at our fave bar Awful Al's then at last called headed to the local pizza place to eat. While in line I noticed a very drunk guy eyeing us. To my horror, he stumbled towards us and slurred some sort of drunken pick-up line in my ear. I said thank you and quickly turned away. Luckily he stumbled back to his friend, but I felt his eyes on us the entire time we were in line. Once we purchased our pizza, we sat at a table. Drunky was standing close by watching us. At one point while we were eating I looked up and a not bad looking guy was standing at our table, holding a rose. He offered it to me, said some sort of line and we began to chat. I guessed correctly that he was in SU law school and didn't check to see if he knew my law school guy (he almost definitely would). In the midst of our conversation, drunky stumbled towards us and interrupted. No one understood what he said so law school and I resumed our conversation. Drunky kept standing and saying something. Law school asked us if we knew him and we said absolutely not. He turned to him asked him to leave and drunky began to yell. Law school yelled back, his friend rushed over and they began to push each other. Mairey and I looked at each other in horror--we got up to leave but of course the whole fiasco followed us outside. Somehow it ended without anything more than a quick scuffle and the boys went their seperate ways. Too bad law school was too busy fighting to ask for my number.
So Mairey and I were responsible for a late night fight at a pizza shop, in which we were not involved. Fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. I died laughing, came back to life, then died again reading this. Damn SU law. Hopefully someone will take heed to your warnings.. Now if only you could some how incorporate M's second encounter with a different law school creeper (in which toes are grabbed, windows are busted, and coaches are stolen.) I think you should some how make a second sub section that reads:
    SU LAW STUDENTS.. Just say NO.
